Core Website Package

Core Website Package

From: $1,275.00

Core Package Website Diagram

The Core Package is the perfect website package for the smaller  AV or Security business that needs to validate its business with a brochure style website. With many options, we offer a variety of features and pages that both meet your budget and enable you to expand your business when the opportunity presents itself.

StudioTask Optimized Websites

We have carefully considered and assembled the optimal website layout and pages for those AV or Security companies that need a premium presence online.

All our websites are professionally designed using the very latest state-of-the-art website development tools and adhere to the latest website standards.

As standard with all our websites, we include many features that most other design firms charge extra for. These include website hosting on world class servers, SSL certificates, Google Analytics, automatic website updates and many more features.

StudioTask CMS Platform

Website home pages contain layers that are each used to feature something you want your visitors to notice. These layers give visitors a quick summary of your website, so you can kind of think of a layer like a "Cliff Note" for a full-length section or page.

A layer can contain the latest article in your blog, provide a quick introduction to your business, or display the latest project pictures. Layers can also contain calls-to-action like a promotion or special.

How many layers should a home page have? It all depends on what you want to summarize! The average website usually has between 3-6 layers, but some have many more.


Your sales people need to ask for the sale when talking with potential customers, and so should your website. The most effective ways to achieve this is with well-placed and appropriate Call-to-Actions. Below are some of the many types of Call-to-Actions that we try to incorporate into each of our website designs.


  • Contact Forms
  • Limited Time Promotions
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Popup Reminders
  • Survey Forms
  • Request A Call Back
  • Live Chat

Types of Forms

Forms are another excellent way to engage and communicate with your customers. Many people have questions after-hours and a contact form is the perfect way for them to ask questions or request a call back. Some of the more popular types of forms include:


  • Contact Form
  • Survey Form
  • Newsletter Subscription Form
  • Job Application Form

Sample Home Page

Below are several sample Core Website home pages that illustrate the use of layers and call to actions.

Speed Tests

Determine the current speed and latency to your server.

Click on your server host city on the left to view the results.