AI Support

AI-Powered Support

Answers on Autopilot

Answer your customers’ questions on autopilot powered by AI across multiple channels including web, email, Slack, and more. Human support remains one click away.

Utilizing advanced generative AI, our AI-powered support efficiently handles over 75% of support tickets, reducing response times and service calls. Customers can interact with the system via web chat or email, ensuring quick and accurate responses wherever they are. With continuous learning capabilities and multilingual support, it is adaptable to businesses of any size. Improve your support processes, save time, and enhance customer satisfaction.


Start your journey now and automate your support system for greater efficiency and cost savings.

Get Started Today In 5 Easy Steps

Step 1
Step 1

Select Plan

Select the plan and choose the number of sources you want to start with. We can always add more in the future, we include up to 10 additional sources each month as part of your plan.

Step 2
Step 2

Identify Sources

Provide materials and sources for the AI to use. This can include equipment user manuals, website pages, blogs, brochures, knowledge bases, and more.

Step 3
Step 3

Configure Plan

We will configure the options and connect the AI Support to your website either via a web form or a chat bulb, and configure the email support address.

Step 4
Step 4

AI Learning Phase

The AI will review all the documents, links, and materials so that it can quickly answer questions. The initial part of this phase only takes a couple of hours, but the AI will continue to learn and fine tune its answers over the next couple of months.

Step 5
Step 5

AI Support Starts Working for You

With all of the content in place, the AI will provide answers to customer questions about equipment setup and support, warranty issues, frequently asked questions, and much more.

Sign Up Today

Select your plan to get started. Custom plans and packages are available upon request.

AI Support Standard Plan

$475.00 setup then From: $125.00/month

Ask A Question!

Test for yourself how the AI Support platform responds to your specific equipment questions.

Supported Equipment

The demo can currently provide support for the following systems:

  • Control4 Home Automation
  • Rotel Audio Video
  • DSC Security Alarms

Top Features

Automated Replies

The system answers customer questions across various platforms like email and chat reducing manual workload.


Businesses can personalize the text and chat interface to match their brand’s tone and visual identity.

Human Support Escalation

When the system cannot resolve an issue, users are guided to human support, ensuring they get the help they need.

Multi-channel Integration

Seamless support across communication tools, including email, web chat, and collaboration platforms like Slack and Teams.

Automated Email Responses

The platform manages and automates responses to customer support emails, allowing the team to focus on more complex tasks.

Self-service Capabilities

Customers can find answers using existing resources, significantly reducing the need for manual assistance.

Chatbot Integration

It integrates smoothly with AI chatbots, making interactions more efficient and consistent.

Predefined Scenarios

The system has built-in fallback solutions for situations it cannot address, ensuring continuity in support.

Documentation Improvement

By identifying problem areas, the system helps improve company documentation, leading to fewer unresolved queries.

Works With All Website Platforms

Compatible with WordPress, Joomla, WIX, Squarespace, StudioTask, and many more.

Top Benefits

Enhanced Efficiency

Automates over 75% of support tickets, significantly reducing manual workload for support agents.

24/7 Availability

Provides round-the-clock support to customers, improving service accessibility.

Cost Savings

Reduces the need for a large support team, cutting down costs by using AI for repetitive tasks.

Reduced Service Calls

Issues often get resolved before you have dispatch techncians.

Improved Response Times

Delivers faster responses to common inquiries, boosting customer satisfaction.

Multi-Channel Integration

Supports various platforms, including email and web chat, making it easy to manage customer inquiries from different sources.

Seamless Human Escalation

Automatically routes complex issues to human agents when necessary, ensuring no customer gets stuck with an unanswered query.

Knowledge Base Integration

Utilizes existing documentation to provide accurate answers, reducing the need for creating new support materials.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Enhances customer experience by providing quicker, personalized responses based on interaction history.

Advanced AI Learning

The system improves over time as it learns from user interactions, making future responses more accurate.

Related Services

A properly designed and functional website provides only the foundation for a business’s online presence. Don’t stop short of realizing your businesses full potential! Rize Marketing has the tools and expertise to help grow and expand your business.


Standard Websites

These websites have been designed to be easy to update and come with worry free maintenance and hosting. Affordable and ideally suited for search engines, these websites are ideal for those companies that want to showcase their services and work in a “brochure” type website.

Platform: StudioTask

View Packages


Premium Websites

Feature rich, our premium websites come loaded with call to action and interactive options. Many of our features extend to the backend providing ours customers with business automation and management tools.

Platform: WordPress

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eCommerce Websites

Utilize your website to generate income. Our eCommerce websites are more than just about selling widgets. Sell extended warranty plans, service plans, monitoring contracts, and even simple bill payment options can all enhance your customer’s experience and reduce your workload.

Platforms: WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify

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Person in home with several devices around

Search Engine Optimization

Improve your website’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic and increasing credibility. We help your websites rank higher in search results, making it easier for users to find your products and services, ultimately leading to higher engagement, conversions, and business growth.

Platforms: Google, Bing

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Lady thinking of PPC strategy

Online Ad Campaigns

Rapidly generate leads and sales with a fully managed Google and/or Facebook Ad campaign. Generate leads in just days! Now featuring Google’s new Performance Max ads.

Platforms: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft

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Fill out the form below to get started

Quote Request
Please be as detailed as possible as this will help us determine what type of work best for your needs. We will need to set up a call to review all the details once we start the quote. Depending on the requirements, a consultation fee may be required.

Speed Tests

Determine the current speed and latency to your server.

Click on your server host city on the left to view the results.